Why First Step Shoes Are Important for Babies?


There are a lot of ‘Firsts’ you think about when it comes to babies—their first words, first birthday and of course, their first steps! Walking is a big first step for babies, and who doesn’t need the right shoes when it comes to a major milestone? Here are some things to note about first step shoes, and why you need to make sure you have the right shoes once your little one starts to walk!

You Need The Right Fit

Nobody wants uncomfortable shoes—babies included! Unfortunately, babies aren’t in a position to let you know when their shoes are too tight! That’s why it’s important to look for comfort over style (although luckily at Kifidis we have both!) because the wrong shoes can affect mobility. The right first step shoes will be lightweight, flexible and get your child’s walking journey started on the right foot.

Babies’ feet are now learning

Like everything else, babies’ feet are now getting adjusted to movement.  On top of that, their feet are also growing really quickly so it’s important that they have shoes are breathable and have some give (so they can expand to an extent as the children’s feet grow) and are constructed with quality materials. These shoes are literally your child’s foundation for healthy foot development and wherever possible, we want to avoid any discomfort, which might result in possible future growth and mobility issues!

If you need any assistance finding the right first step shoes for your baby, Kifidis has many high-quality options for your little one!

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