Babies’ First Walker Shoes - 6 Important Things to Consider before Buying

Which pair of shoes do I buy? This pair or that one? Parents often remain in confusion when they go to buy their baby’s first walker shoes. I mean, all the baby shoes are as cute as each other, aren’t they?  So making the right decision is difficult.

Choosing a baby’s first walker shoes is an important decision. Simply picking a pair of shoes because they look adorable can potentially damage your baby’s feet. Instead of merely picking a pair of shoes for their aesthetics, you ought to be mindful of the factors that render them a decent option for foot growth and agility.

When you buy your child’s first walker shoes, consider the price, comfort, and elegance of the shoes. Here are a few other things to consider when buying your first pair:


1.Buy Flexible Shoes

An infant’s foot is extensively wrapped with fat to cover fragile bones. When your baby develops, the fat eventually disappears, leaving the foot more flexible. The shoes you choose must be crafted from materials that allow your child to stretch freely and without limiting their movement.


Along with ensuring your baby’s first walker shoes are flexible, comes comfort. At the end of the day, you want to ensure that your baby is happy to be wearing the shoes you buy.  Look for the signs when you put the shoes on. If your baby is resisting then perhaps comfort is the problem.


Your baby’s first moves are always very shaky. They must sustain their weight without binding or controlling their movements. Sturdy fabrics, such as flexible, soft soles, are crucial factors in supplying your child with confidence. The more stable they feel, the more steps they’ll take.

4.Extra-safe closures

If fastened with laces or buttons, make sure your baby’s walking shoes are easy to get on the foot, but not so easy to get loose on their own. Especially after they start walking. So, no slip-on shoes — which, though are easy-on, are also easy-off.

5.Change the size when needed

Your baby’s feet are continuously growing. Their first walker shoes will only be used for around a month before changing into new. It is vital to ensure that your baby’s feet are as free as possible to move. Keeping a close eye on your child’s first walker shoes is needed to decide when to change it.

6.Quality materials

Although your child may only wear a pair of shoes for a few months, this doesn’t imply you can purchase a cheap pair of shoes. Premium fabric and other premium materials can make sure your child’s shoes give them all they need.


Kifidis offers a healthy, comfortable, and podiatric style for your kid’s first walker shoes. These shoes aren’t just cute or stylish; they’re also making sure your child will thrive while exploring the environment around them.

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